
Fashion is mainly the way of approaching one self to the world. It can be by clothing, ornaments, accessories or anything else. Fashion portrays one’s taste in style and how they are taking the style. By Fashion we also reveal our culture, our tradition. Fashion is not a static or permanent mentality rather it changes according to time , place and people. It is about reflecting yourself in front of others. Each culture posses different taste of fashion but there also some Fashion trends which stays for a specific time and followed by people. Though its not always mandatory to be on Fashion or go with the flow of fashion trend, rather Fashion focuses on individuals interest and choices.

Key Characteristics of Fashion You Need to Know: Details Guide

A Details Guide on Key Characteristics of Fashion You Need to Know Fashion can be defined as the prevailing style or trend in clothing, accessories, behavior, or lifestyle, influenced by culture, society, and individual tastes. Characteristics of fashion are how fashion is utilized in daily life. Some key characteristics of fashion include influence, globalization, self-expression,[…]

Different Types of Neckwear/Neckties You Would Love to Know

Different Types of Neckwear/Neckties You Would Love to Know You may be familiar with the French word cravate and its English equivalent, “cravat,” from the previous paragraph. Indeed, this is when the modern necktie began. Modern neckwear, like most of our attire, has military roots. Between 1630 and 1640, King Louis XIII of France fought[…]

Difference Between Coat and Jacket

There are thousands of types of clothing that exist in this world. One is different than the others. Coats and Jackets are very popular outerwear clothing; it sounds like both are the same and similar types of garments. Yes, both are similar types, but not the same cloth. So the question comes, what is a[…]

What is Fabric Jewelry ? How to Make Fabric Jewelry?

Gold, silver, pearls, and stones were wearing a lot of jewelry. Then, wearing a lot of jewelry, clay, and wood makes us look beautiful. Now, the latest fashion is fabric jewelry. Fabric or clothes jewelry made from yarn, fabrics, and paint. I am surprised to hear that it takes us to come. Clothing jewelry can be worn with[…]

Types of Belt Buckle and How to Style Them

Types of Belt Buckles and How to Style Them Different Types of Belt Buckle are pivotal in fashion, blending practicality with style. The buckle, a seemingly minor yet crucial element, defines a belt’s essence. This guide, presented with the clarity and precision akin to vector artwork, explores the diverse types of belt buckles. It highlights[…]

Different Types of Heels for Women

Different Types of Heels for Women Heels make a girl more elegant. Nowadays, many women are passionate about different types of heels because they want to add extra height and style to their outfits. From classic pumps to bold platforms, heels come in various kinds, each offering its own set of benefits. Women wear different[…]

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