
Fashion is mainly the way of approaching one self to the world. It can be by clothing, ornaments, accessories or anything else. Fashion portrays one’s taste in style and how they are taking the style. By Fashion we also reveal our culture, our tradition. Fashion is not a static or permanent mentality rather it changes according to time , place and people. It is about reflecting yourself in front of others. Each culture posses different taste of fashion but there also some Fashion trends which stays for a specific time and followed by people. Though its not always mandatory to be on Fashion or go with the flow of fashion trend, rather Fashion focuses on individuals interest and choices.

Latest Customizations in Lederhosen Fashion Trends

Latest Customizations in Lederhosen Fashion Trends Lederhosen, the classic German attire, has undergone a remarkable transformation since its inception in the 18th century. The evolution is from typical traditional wear to a symbol of cultural pride with a global fashion appeal. This iconic evolution tells the tale of changing times and is a testament to[…]

Different Types of Workwear By Industry

For employees in various industries, appropriate protective clothing is crucial on the job. Known generally as workwear, these durable garments shield workers from potential hazards inherent to their field. This extensive guide defines workwear while exploring common types worn across key sectors and their defining protective attributes. Finally, practical strategies for choosing the best workwear[…]

Difference Between Fashion and Trend

Difference Between Fashion and Trend Fashion and trend, while intertwined in the fabric of style, hold distinct identities. Fashion is a broad, enduring manifestation of personal and cultural expression, reflecting societal norms and artistic innovation over time. It symbolizes a timeless elegance and personal identity. Conversely, trends are the fleeting currents in the vast ocean[…]

Recent Fashion Innovation in Technologies Creating the Future

Recent Fashion Innovation in Technologies Creating the Future of Fashion Industry Famous French Fashion Designer Coco Chanel Once said, “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street; fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.” By this line, she forecasted the[…]

What is Decorative Cord and Functional Cord in Clothing?

A cord is a fashion trim garment, which is a narrow, flexible material usually made of twisted strands or fabrics. It binds, ties, connects, and supports garment products. Based on the uses and function, we can divide them by two names: 1. Decorative Cord and 2. Functional Cord. In this article, we present What is[…]

10 Different Types of Best Hoodie Materials to Keep You Warm

10 Different Types of Best Hoodie Materials to Keep You Warm There are lots of different materials available for hoodies. I have listed ten typical hoodie fabric types here. You might learn about the benefits and drawbacks of each. Lastly, you can determine which ones are worth investing in. This article presents 10 Different Types[…]

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