SOP for OCS (Organic Content Standard) Production process in the Garments Industry
The Standard Operating procedure for Organic content standard goods production process of the Garments Industry. It is a voluntary standard that provides a chain of custody verification for materials originating on a farm certified to recognized national organic standards. The standard is used to verify organically grown from raw materials to the finished garments. So this SOP is applicable to OCS (Organic Content Standard) Production process in the Garments Industry.
Product Receiving
When we receive OCS (Organic Content Standard) products, make sure it is not mixed or contaminated with any other non-OCS products. We will keep an eye on whether the labels of the products are correct or not.
Product Storage
When we store OCS products, we must register them in a separate account and store the OCS products at designated locations. Take care not to mix with other non-OCS products. We will maintain the identification and separation of all OCS products.

Production Process of OCS (Organic Content Standard)
Cutting: When we take OCS products for cutting, make sure it does not mix with any other non-OCS products. Never put OCS products on the floor. Once the cutting is done, we will place it in the place designated for OCS. We will maintain the identification and separation of all OCS products.
Embroidery: At the time of the Embroidery of OCS products, we will use a separate Embroidery machine for the OCS products. Before using and after using the machines, the machines must be kept clean and tidy. keeping the records in a separate register. Identification & segregation care should be taken so that OCS and non-OCS products will not mix.
Sewing: In the case of sewing, the product made of OCS has to be done separately. We should always make sure that OCS and Non-OCS products do not merge. We will maintain the identification and separation of all OCS products.
Finishing: At the end of the sewing, when taking the products made of OCS for finishing, must count them and finish them on the table set for OCS. We will maintain the identification and isolation of all OCS products.
Packing: When packing, we will always make sure that the OCS and Non-OCS products do not mix. So, we have to use separate tables for OCS. We will maintain the identification and separation of all OCS products.
Cartoning: OCS products should be cartooned according to certain rules and kept in specific places. We will maintain the identification and separation of all OCS products.
Shipment: During the shipment of OCS products, make sure that non-OCS products are not picked up on the shipments in which the OCS products are transported as well as we will apply TC for this. For labeling, we will take approval prior to use.
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