How to Maintain Time and Action Plan (TNA) in Apparel Industry

How to Maintain Time and Action Plan (TNA) in Apparel Industry

A Time and Action Plan (TNA) is crucial for smooth operations in the apparel industry. It ensures orders are delivered on time and helps manage the entire production process effectively. This is a very useful and ultimate tool for the apparel merchandiser. In this article, we discuss How to Maintain the Time and Action Plan (TNA) in the Apparel Industry.

How to Create TNA?

  1. Gather Information: Start by collecting details about the order, including buyer’s lead time, style complexity, fabric and trim sourcing information, and production capacity.
  2. List Key Processes: Identify each critical stage involved in order fulfillment, from sample development to final shipment.
  3. Set Target Dates: Assign realistic target dates for completing each stage. Consider buffer time for potential delays.
  4. Assign Responsibilities: Clearly define who is accountable for completing each task within the TNA.
How to Maintain Time and Action Plan (TNA) in Apparel Industry

Steps and Activities on How to Maintain Time & Action Plan (TNA) in the Apparel Industry

These are the key Steps and Activities to Maintain a Time & Action Plan (TNA) in the Apparel Industry

Order Confirmed28-Nov10-Dec
Costing Package to Vendor  
Cost cnfmd from vendor  
Color Standards to Factory29-Oct10-Nov
1st lab dip to Gap  
comments from Gap  
2nd lab dip to Gap  
comments from Gap  
All colors std due date to Brandix 27-Dec27-Dec
Product Screening3-Dec15-Dec
Risk Analysis Meeting13-Dec25-Dec
Sample Ydge13-Dec25-Dec
Sample Trim Order18-Dec30-Dec
JSS package27-Dec8-Jan
JSS submission31-Dec12-Jan
Request JSS ref Sample31-Dec12-Jan
JSS Commnet received10-Jan22-Jan
SSS rev request for JSS comments11-Jan23-Jan
Request Color Standard2-Jan14-Jan
DTM Trims ordering for green tags12-Jan24-Jan
Rev Medium Package12-Jan24-Jan
Rev Medium Submition14-Jan26-Jan
Request Rev Medium reference  Sample14-Jan26-Jan
Rev Medium Commnet received24-Jan5-Feb
SSS rev request for RM cmts25-Jan6-Feb
Green tag package26-Jan7-Feb
Green Tag submission28-Jan9-Feb
Request Green tag reference sample14-Jan26-Jan
Green tag Comments7-Feb19-Feb
SSS rev request for GT comments8-Feb20-Feb
ISS package9-Feb21-Feb
ISS submission12-Feb24-Feb
ISS comments13-Feb25-Feb
SSS rev.request for ISS commnets13-Feb25-Feb
1st submit to Gap6-Feb18-Feb
Comments from Gap13-Feb25-Feb
Wash shade band to GAP18-Feb2-Mar
Shade band approval20-Feb4-Mar
Sewing Trims  
Color standard to BLS2-Jan14-Jan
Main /  Japan / Joker / Europe Labels Ordered By7-Jan19-Jan
Main /  Japan / Joker / Europe Labels Inhouse By22-Feb6-Mar
Care Labels Ordered By  (3 days after fab test report)23-Jan4-Feb
Care Labels Inhouse by22-Feb6-Mar
Interlining Inhouse by22-Feb6-Mar
Zipper Ordered By  (50 days from PPCD7-Jan19-Jan
Zippers Inhouse by (10 days from PPCD)16-Feb28-Feb
Button Ordered By (50 days from PPCD)7-Jan19-Jan
Button Inhouse By22-Feb6-Mar
Thread Inhouse by (10 days from PPCD)16-Feb28-Feb
Trim card sent for apvl23-Feb7-Mar
Trim Cards apvd by24-Feb8-Mar
AD Samples / TOP samples  
Ad samples sent by  
TOP spl sent22-Mar3-Apr
TOP spl apvd by26-Mar7-Apr
Committment issued by16-Jan16-Jan
P.O. Summary issued by19-Jan19-Jan
Packing Detail issued by   (DC PO)10-Feb10-Feb
Check digits issued by10-Feb10-Feb
Fab submitted for testing13-Jan25-Jan
Fab test report due20-Jan1-Feb
Gmt submitted for testing2-Mar14-Mar
Gmt test report due15-Mar27-Mar
PI from Mill28-Dec9-Jan
Fabric L/C to Mill5-Jan17-Jan
Master L/C from GapNANA
Fabric X27-Jan8-Feb
Fabric in-house16-Feb28-Feb
cut date26-Feb10-Mar
Start Sew28-Feb12-Mar
Start dying/washing3-Mar15-Mar
Start packing5-Mar17-Mar
Final audit16-Apr16-Apr
Bulk Cut Date10-Mar10-Mar
Start Sew12-Mar12-Mar
Start dying/washing15-Mar15-Mar
Start packing17-Mar17-Mar
Final audit20-Apr20-Apr

By effectively maintaining a TNA, apparel companies can achieve on-time deliveries, improve efficiency, and build a reputation for reliability. By following this data list we can Maintain the Time and Action Plan (TNA) in the Apparel Industry.

How to Maintain Time and Action Plan (TNA) in Apparel Industry

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