
12 Different Types of Zippers Used in Apparel Industry

A zipper is a device of clothing that is used to bind two fabric parts together, an important part of a cloth or bag. A zipper is used in a product of the apparel industry as an important trims though it is a very small part in size and functionally zipper is a very much[…]

Different Parts of a Zipper

What is a zipper? A zipper is with a fly, or zip fastener was formerly known as a clasp locker which is a binding device for tying the opening edges of cloth or other flexible material such as clothing or bag. Most parts of a zipper have two rows of extended teeth and a slider[…]

Different Types of Trims used in the Garments industry

Trims/ Trimmings definition Trims can easily be defined as the raw material used in garment making other than fabric. They are directly attached to the garment and help the garment to get together. They add a styling element to the garment. Without fabrics and trims, the rest items used in garments are called accessories. Materials[…]

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