Importance of Fashion Concept
Fashion concept:
A fashion concept is a vague idea that inspires one to create in a certain manner. There is no limit to what a fashion concept can be. This is a matter of artistic vision and expression. It is unlikely that two people will share the exact same fashion concept for a design. This concept allows you a starting motivation and vision. Fashion concepts are not necessarily blatantly used by every artist, it is a matter of personal approach. The fashion concept is a taste and philosophy of Fashion which has no limit and lots of choices.

Importance of Fashion Concept
Clothes are a part of our life. They protect us, warm us, and give us pleasure. They express moods and our personality.
There are four main reasons for wearing clothes:
Firstly, comes modesty; the need to hide one’s body from the sight of others. This can be done easily, and cannot by itself account for all the changes of fashion through the ages. In any ideas of what is right and wrong in dress vary from country to country.
Secondly, it protects against the cold or wet, or, in tropical lands, against heat. Perhaps, the most protective clothing ever devised was a suit of armor, though, by the century this had become so heavy that the knights who wore it, had to be hoisted on them by crane.
In modern times, with so many materials to choose from jobs to be done, protection is usually “built-in” to special clothes designed for the purpose. We see this in the overall factory world or the helmets worn by miners, steel workers racing drivers. The most complicated project of all is the space suit.
Thirdly, is utility- for instance, the need to carry things. This has influenced the shape of clothes. Since pockets were designed in the 17th century, they have been incorporated into every type of dress. Women get over this by carrying hand bags, but, they only started to do so when skirts became too tight to allow pockets.
Fourthly, comes the most important one of all is variety- the urge to decorate and adorn on person, to be different, and to be appear more attractive than others, being different also increase their pride and self-confidence. Even people who wear little to no clothing, like the origins. North Australia, paint tattoo, or scar their bodies with complicated patterns of decoration one part of Burma, there are so-called “giraffe-necked” women who stretch their necks with high collars of brass rings.
People from everywhere can share tastes and fashions, receiving few of them as they have statement celebrity wears one day will be prepared for mass production, the next. The clothes that we design should be practical. They must be comfortable, and light, yet warm as weather requirements.
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