Product Safety and Regularity defects in Garments Industry
A user wants comfort, and safe for wearing cloth. Product safety and regularity defects are very critical for a garments manufacturer and retailer. Anything is reworkable except safety and regularity defects. The result of having these types of defects in garments leads to hampering business, losing reputation, and big financial loss. The garments industry must comply with regularity issues, regularity defects are also mentioned below.

Defects of Product Safety and Regularity in Garments
Insect-infested: This is very harmful to product safety. It should not be with garments products.
Visible mold: The garment industry should have Mold prevention and control the action. So that customers do not get mold in garments.
Any sharp point or edge on children’s products: Sharp edges or points are not allowed in garments.
Metal contamination / Broken needle found in the product: These are restricted items for garments.
A small part or loose attachment (Children’s product): Any small part or loose attachment is not good for a garment.
Care Label: Care label information is very important. Care or law labels are not legible or inadequate care and maintenance instructions that do not meet all federal requirements. Incorrect fiber content, country of origin, or RN number. Label placement not following federal guidelines.
Production item does not match approved sealed sample: Garments maker takes sample approval from the customer if they order. The garment industry goes through by sampling process to get bulk production approval. And
Any sewing technique used (specified otherwise) to avoid import duty: Garment makers comply with customer sewing requirements, not allowed to change.
Incorrect or missing pricing and /or UPC code information from the hangtag/ label: Any label, sticker, and tag are important for size and brand information. Customers buy seeing all these stickers.
Scissors /Knife…. inside carton: Scissor, cutter, or knife used during packaging and carton closing task. These items should not be inserted mistakenly.
Restricted substance list (RSL): Restricted chemicals or substance present in garments is very harmful to human skin.