Trade Fairs, Conferences, Fashion Exhibitions of Fashion Promotion

Trade Fairs, Conferences, and Fashion Exhibitions Tools of Fashion Promotion

Trade fairs, fashion exhibitions, and conferences come under the category of fashion promotion. Trade fairs, fashion exhibitions, and conferences are very important as they provide face-to-face contact with specifically targeted customers or potential customers and a high proportion of those attending have buying authority. They also have the ability to generate high-quality leads for conversion to sales. It is estimated that nearly 84 percent of exhibition visitors have a buying influence of some kind.. Trade fairs, fashion exhibitions, and conferences are shortly explained below:

Trade Fairs, Conferences, Fashion Exhibitions Tools of Fashion Promotion

What are Trade Fairs, Conferences, and Fashion Exhibitions Tools of Fashion Promotion in Fashion Business?

1. Trade Fairs

Trade fairs come under the category of sales promotion. Massive, stage-set, and usually regular trade event at which a large number of manufacturers from a particular industry present their products and show their capabilities to distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and end-users. Some trade fairs (like the Hanover Book Fair) attract participants and visitors from all over the world and provide widespread interactions and exposure. Trade fairs are a popular means of sales promotion because their average cost of making face-to-face contact is about 44 percent of a personal sales visit.

2. Conference

The conference is dedicated exclusively to apparel and fashion e-commerce. Working in an industry that is constantly in a state of change, keeping up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies is an indispensable investment for any PR professional. Attending a handful of conferences (even more so if you can get your employer to pony up the cash for professional development), is a smart way to not only hear the conversations and insights from industry experts but to connect and network with like-minded professionals.

3. Fashion Exhibitions

Fashion exhibitions are often very large, visitors tend to plan their routes carefully. Assuring they visit particular stands is a priority and makes the location so important. A site that gives good viability and is likely to gain customer traffic because of its position is obviously better. In estimating the size of space needed exhibitors should consider estimating how many visitors the company is aiming to talk to and for how long. Promotional material and displays are often used to create a particular ambiance or theme symbolic of the exhibiting company or its products or services. The use of artwork can attract attention and promote interest in the stand. The most commonly used types of promotional material at fashion exhibitions are postcards, letters, brochures, business cards, small posters, and videos.


Trade fairs, exhibitions, and conferences come under the category of sales promotion. Trade fairs, exhibitions, and conferences are very important as they provide face-to-face contact with specifically targeted customers or potential customers and a high proportion of those attending have buying authority. They also have the ability to generate high-quality leads for conversion to sales.

Trade Fairs, Conferences, Fashion Exhibitions of Fashion Promotion

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