In the Apparel industry, a fabric QC team (Fabric Inspection Department) works to maintain all fabric procedures in the incoming inspection stage. They have to inspect fabric, do shade checks, Shrinkage tests, and do many other works. Here we present the Functions of the Fabric Inspection Department in the Apparel Industry.
What are the Functions Performed by Fabric Inspection Department
- Fabric Receiving
- Fabric Inspection in 4-point System
- Fabric Shrinkage Test
- Fabric Twisting Test
- GSM Checking
- Color Continuity Shade Inspection
Fabric Receiving
Fabric received store from fabric sup lair Inventory from the store & keep the Record. First, receive the fabric challan and inventory report. Then collect the Lab dip, Order Sheet, Approved Trims Card & Counter Sample of the same fabric. 10% fabric to be separated for 4 point inspection system.

Fabric Inspection in 4-point System
At fast Fabric received, Chillan, Packing List & Inventory Report. Then Collect Lab Dip, Order Sheet, and Approve Trims Card & Counter Sample. Receive 100% Fabric Inspection Report & Fabric test report from fabric supply lair. All colors & all shades are checked in the light Box, Against the color standard & the Approve sample is checked by two people (D=65, TL=83, UV & A LIGHT) Take 10% fabric on 4 point System. Example: 0 to 3” = 1 Point =white sticker, 3” to 6” = 2 Point = Green Sticker, 6” to 9” = 3 Point = Yellow Sticker, 9” to above 1yds or 1 MTR- 4 Point- Red Sticker, Larger than 1”= 4 Point = Red Sticker. 1st Fabric inspection for 10%, If Fail than Again 15%, If Fail Again 100%. If Fabric is less than 100% MTR Than Inspection Will be 100%. The Fabric Inspection Must be either be Alternated Between two people every two Hours. In Order to Make a Proper judgment & avoid fatigue. Fabric Inspection Machine Need to 1000 Lux MTR. 10% L.C.R & 1st . Meddle, Last cut during inspection time for check running shading. Defect point percent formula: Total Defect × 36 × 100 ÷ Inspected YDS ÷ Citable Width = Result. Defect % in 4 Point system: Roll Point × 36 × 100 ÷ Inspected yds ÷ Cut table Width (Example). 20 × 100 × 36 ÷ 100 ÷ 56 = 12.85%
Acceptable points for the fabrics category:
Fabric TYPE | Average | Individual Roll |
Worsted Wool | 10 | 13 |
Synthetic (Polyester, Polyamide, Acrylic, Lyecll , Modal, Viscose) | 13 | 17 |
Corduroy | 25 | 30 |
Other (Cotton, Linen, Silk, Cashmere) | 18 | 24 |
Reporting S/B During Fabric Inspection Compare the fabric supplier report with the factory fabric Inspection report. If Found Discrepancy then the need to Inform GM, QM & Merchandiser. If Fabric Inspection Fail, These Rolls Keep Separate. In the Rejection area & In from to GM, QM & Merchandiser Dicer for replace that by fabric supplier Fabric Inspection Report Keep the six months. A report should be kept during the curing of the fabric and the test report should be matched with the information provided by the fabric supplier. If there is any problem the field GM, QM, and Machendazar should be informed. If the fabric does not pass the test, this warning should be applied and information should be given to the GM, QM, and Machendazar. The cloth inspection report must be kept for 6 months
Fabric Shrinkage Test
This is a very important test. Cut fabric of 50 cm, send for washing, and take after-wash measurements.
Fabric Twisting Test
Fabric Lot Wise 10% Roll Head Cutting For Twisting Make, With on the Fabric Write, Roll No, YDS For Twisting Fabric should be to Cut Length = 52cm, Width = 104 cm, Two Side Should be Overlock & Opening side Should be Hem. After making Measurement Length = 50 cm & Width = 50 cm B4 Wash Measurement Keep Report. Then in sending for Wash. After Received From Wash. We Check Measurement & Twisting %. As Per our F.T.D Out of Twisting Percent, In From G.M (QA) & Merchandiser. Keep The Record Should be 6 Months.
G.S.M Checking
Fabric Lot Wise 10% G.S.M cut with weight for comparison as per booking & F.T.D. With keeping the Record. If the G.S.M is out of Tolerance We In From G.M (QA) & Merchandiser Keep The Record for 6 Months.
Color Continuity Shade Inspection
Segre Gate Family Wise Shade From Blanket Example, A, B, C, D, Etc. Then We Select One Country and One Shade & Make a Color Continuity Report. Then it is sent to the cutting, Sewing & Packing Section. We Keep the Record for Six Months.
Finally, the Fabric inspection department is a very important part of the Garments industry. After getting Fabric QC clearance, the industry can cut the fabric for garment manufacturing.