All Textile Abbreviations | Abbreviations used in Textile

Textile Abbreviations An abbreviation is a shortened form to save time when speaking, and space when writing a word. The abbreviation is usually done to take less time in a document or a selection. There are many abbreviations used in the textile sector; here include all yarn manufacturing (spinning), fabric manufacturing, Dyeing and printing, and[…]

Cutting Department in Apparel Industry

Cutting department The cutting department is a major part of the garment manufacturing industry. This department, before bulk cutting, considers the following procedure: At first, they receive a Tag sample, and pattern and then receive fabric and relaxation. Also, they have received a marker from Product Development Center (PDC) department and pattern adjustment according to[…]

2 Major Types of Embroidery Machines & Benefits of Buying Wholesale

The home textile market has a fast growth rate. And the embroidery design on large sheet machining runs side by side with home textile. Custom embroidery gives a sophisticated and elegant look to clothing and home décor. It works for both fabric embroidery and custom patches. People rush to the market to find any new[…]

Operation Bulletin of Shirt Manufacturing in Garments Industry

Operation Bulletin of Shirt Operation bulletin is a summary of machines, processes, layout , SMV, manpower setting, SAM, process wise production target, and others. Operation bulletin is necessary with starting any new style, this data tells everything about the whole process of sewing. Here we mention the operation bulletin of shirt manufacturing in the sewing[…]

Sewing Line layout for Shirt in Garments Industry

Sewing Line Layout The sewing line layout is a complete setup of machines, manpower, and equipment to run the sewing process in the section. Layout set based on product category and similarities of product. The layout is an important part to get the best possible output in a garments industry. As setting layout takes time,[…]

Bill of Material (BOM) in Apparel Industry

What is BOM in Apparel Industry? BOM is a Bill of materials; a list of materials needed for a style.  BOM sheet found in the spec sheet of customer, garments merchandiser follows the sheet handling an export order. Firstly, the merchandiser cannot work with the BOM sheet in any order. After getting an order from[…]

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